What is Facial and Jaw Growth Orthopedics?

Facial and jaw growth orthopedics, also called dentofacial orthopedics, works to guide facial development during childhood by reestablishing nasal breathing with growth guidance appliances. Children are seen as the best candidates for dentofacial orthopedic therapy because facial growth and development occur most during childhood. When combined with orthodontic treatment, it’s commonly referred to as Phase-One treatment. Dentofacial orthopedics can also treat adults, but the process will involve surgical procedures to adjust the bite alignment and jaw bone before applying the appliances.

With our specialty orthodontists at Burns Orthodontics, we’ll outline our initial steps towards a proper jaw alignment, so you can become more educated about our services and what we can do for you and your family.

Step 1: Evaluating Nasal Breathing

Oral positions, such as the lips, tongue, and palate, are responsible for the growth and development of the jaw and face. When the tongue and jaw don’t rest in the right position, the mid-face will not grow properly and will cause symptoms such as:

These oral symptoms can lead to long-term health issues, such as TMJ issues, obstructive sleep apnea, and poor head posture.

Woman putting in jaw growth orthopedics

Step 2: Our Jaw Growth Appliances

To reestablish proper oral proper, our orthodontists will focus on steps that working with growth guidance appliances, an orthopedic appliance that stimulates bone growth and corrects facial anomalies. Our growth appliances focus on scaffolding the effects of the tongue resting on the palette and stimulates the palate to produce more bone in wider dimensions. Some of the appliances we offer for such purposes include:

Headgears – As the most common appliance used, headgear works by applying pressure to the upper teeth and jawbones to guide, form, and correct upper jaw growth. It also aligns upper teeth and is worn between eight and 12 hours. We also offer removable headgear, with devices affixed to the molars to hold the lower jaw forward.

Bionators – A bionator holds the jaw forward and guides the teeth to perfect alignment. It’s removable and enables the upper and lower jaws to grow proportionally.

Palate expanders – These devices push the cartilage in the upper jaw to widen the maxilla, allowing the upper jaw to hold the teeth.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Do I need to get a referral from a dentist first before seeing an orthodontist?

No, but your dentist will be able to determine how healthy your gums, teeth, and jawbones are for orthodontic treatment. If you have a child, you should have your child see an orthodontist by age 7.

How long do dentofacial orthopedic treatments take?

For children, it lasts between six to 12 months. For adults, it may last longer, depending on the severity of the jaw positions and growth directions.

How much does treatment cost?

At Burns Orthodontics, we focus on giving our patients comprehensive treatment plans for dentofacial orthopedic appliances. Call us today at any of our multiple locations to learn about our services.

“Orthodontics For Your Smile”

Orthodontics can help treat many medical issues such as facial pain, TMJ, speech impairments, and chronic headaches, but when it comes to beautiful smiles, orthodontics provides cosmetic solutions that are safe, sound, and healthy for long term dental care. Our orthodontists believe that beauty starts bone-deep – meaning that our appliances such as braces and aligners have the outstanding capability to reconstruct the mouth and teeth without permanent damage and provide lasting outcomes that last a lifetime.

Why Choose an Orthodontist for Cosmetic Treatment?

Cosmetic dentistry concentrates on achieving perfect smiles through immediate treatment options, such as porcelain veneers, teeth whitening treatments, dental implants, and dentures. All of these options can help fix misaligned, stained teeth, and help repair any damage done to teeth that appliances cannot. However, orthodontics focuses on the mechanical aspects of dentistry, giving patients appliances and devices that work to align teeth over time rather than with immediate solutions. At Burns Orthodontics, we provide our patients with alignment treatment plans that are sustainable, durable, and demonstrate positive results.

Man showing the results of his cosmetic orthodontics

Our Cosmetic Treatment Plans

Clear Braces – Clear, ceramic braces have similar traits to traditional metal braces, but without the appearance. At our orthodontics locations, our orthodontists will attach clear or tooth-colored brackets to each of your teeth, and then connect them to a highly flexible, thin wire. The wire will put light pressure on the wire, and will gradually move the teeth into position. The natural-looking brackets will be able to correct the same issues as traditional metal braces but will offer a more discreet feel that’s barely noticeable.

Invisalign – Invisalign therapy involves using clear, plastic aligners that will gently shift the teeth into position over time. These aligners are practically invisible, can be removed during eating and brushing sessions, and don’t contain any wires or brackets. Because this treatment’s non-invasive, it can correct various orthodontic issues ranging from misalignments to overbites.

Colorful traditional braces – Metal braces, while they may not be the most attractive option for cosmetic dentistry, can be quite fun to design. If you choose traditional braces, we offer a wide range of metal colors to choose from. Pink, blue, green, red, we provide numerous colors that you can choose from to have a colorful time while your teeth align back into position.

Other appliances – Our patients don’t just come in with misaligned teeth – in more severe cases, a misaligned jaw due to injury or genetics can cause a severe impact on a person’s well-being and health. Our appliances, such as palatal expanders and jaw repositioning appliances, can provide extensive cosmetic solutions as well as health solutions for a happy smile.

Schedule a Free Orthodontic Consultation!

If you desire to straighten your smile, our orthodontists will give you the discreet, compassionate space you need to discuss your options. To schedule your free consultation with Burns Orthodontics, call us at any one of our various locations, or fill out our HIPAA contact us form, and we’ll help you get started on your way to a perfect smile.

Clear braces offer a less visible cosmetic alternative to metal braces. They’re an excellent option for those who wish to have braces but want a less noticeable alternative, especially for those who cannot qualify for Invisalign. Our clear braces are made with clear brackets and minimal wires that adhere to the teeth and are highly resistant to staining and breakage. Discover how clear braces may be the answer for you.

How Our Clear Braces Work

Clear braces maintain the cosmetic aesthetic of clean, white teeth without the appearance of metal braces. Traditional metal braces can be noticeable with their metal brackets and wires. Clear braces work to remove the bulk but maintain the effectiveness of braces by predicting tooth movement and ensuring that the braces straighten teeth over time. Our braces don’t also treat misaligned teeth; they also handle a wide range of problems, including crowded teeth, malocclusion, and wide spacing in teeth.

Clear braces use side braces attached to memory wire, which reduces the number of pressure patients would generally feel from the elastic bands with metal braces. The sliding mechanism gradually tightens the teeth as they align into position, and patients typically experience less discomfort than with metal braces. What allows our braces to appear clear is the ceramic brackets. These brackets are made by matching the color of your tooth enamel, and when applied, blend in with the teeth for a more natural look. At Burns Orthodontics, our team of second-generation dentists and orthodontists can help achieve the look you desire with our clear braces treatment plans.

Woman smiling with clear braces

Frequently Asked Questions:

Are clear braces the same as Invisalign?

Clear braces and Invisalign braces are not the same. Invisalign braces don’t include any metal brackets or wires and are made of flexible plastic. Invisalign braces offer a discreet system for aligning teeth and provide corrections for overbites, under-bites, crowded teeth, and gaping teeth. However, depending on the severity of those conditions, Invisalign does not always work. Clear braces offer the same benefits and offer more variety for patients to receive straighter teeth.

Am I a candidate for clear braces?

To qualify for clear braces, your dentist will need to determine whether or not you need teeth adjustments. You might need braces if:

These are a few examples of what many people experience when they have misaligned teeth, as these conditions can occur depending on the severity of your teeth case, and how your teeth have developed over time. Contact us today to qualify for clear braces!

Are clear braces more expensive than metal braces?

Clear braces can cost more to make than metal braces because they’re made of more expensive materials. However, clear braces offer numerous benefits to metal braces and Invisalign braces because they have the best of both worlds. Feel free to contact Burns Orthodontics at any one of our various locations if you have any questions regarding clear braces.

Orthodontic treatments help to restore proper oral function, fixing issues such as overbites, under-bites, crooked teeth, and jaw misalignment. The American Association of Orthodontics recommends that children receive an orthodontic evaluation at age seven. By this time, children will have received an initial dental check-up by their primary pediatric dentist. At age seven, the first adult or permanent teeth will come in. During this time, it’s crucial for a child to see their dentist check up on their teeth because their dental development can be highly impacted at this stage.

Our orthodontists at Burns Orthodontics are highly prepared and capable of diagnosing and treating early dental problems with our interceptive child treatments. We focus on giving our patients, big and small, a safe, compassionate, and authentic experience when they arrive at any one of our offices. Our interceptive child treatments work through a diligent process, as we always make sure to maintain and track the progress of all children who enter.

Our Early Interceptive Treatment Process:

Our child interceptive treatments aim to regulate the width of dental bone arches and provide enough space for the permanent teeth to arrive correctly. We prescribe interceptive treatments for these common oral problems, which include:

Protruding teeth – These teeth can protrude from habits such as sucking the thumb. Thumb sucking, if not disciplined, can lead to a risk of tooth injury or tooth loss.

Underbites and overbites – When the upper or lower teeth protrude, it can cause difficulties chewing, speech impediments, tight muscles, and higher chances of gum disease.

Crossbites – Crossbites can cause asymmetrical jaw growth, gum recessions, and excessive tooth wear if left untreated. Treatments such as braces and palette enhancers can help fix the crossbites and reform the mouth back to health.

Late loss of baby teeth – If baby teeth are still present, then it can become more difficult to correct at a later stage.

During the early treatment phase, our orthodontists will work with you and your children to prescribe the best treatment options. Our selection of braces, headgear, and aligners can help remove many of these common issues and diminish their effects in the future. We will also work to provide useful tips for removing bad habits, such as thumb sucking and poor oral hygiene.

Child biting finger with dental model

The Benefits of Early Interceptive Treatments

Child Interceptive Treatments provide numerous benefits for your child, including:

Have questions about our treatment options? Reach out to us! Burns Orthodontics serves the Mt. Lebanon, Waynesburg, and McMurray areas, and has a wide team of orthodontists here to help you and your child achieve a beautiful smile because we focus on family first. Contact us at any of our various locations by phone or email, and schedule an appointment today for a free consultation.

Orthodontics treatments, such as metal braces, clear braces, and Invisalign, can benefit people of all ages and give them beautiful, perfectly-aligned teeth that will last for generations. However, many people tend to associate orthodontic appliances with children and young teens, and most often not, adults can tend to believe that they’re too old for proper treatment. We at Burns Orthodontics believe that’s not the case; many studies have shown that orthodontic treatments have numerous benefits to adults. That’s why our orthodontists offer specialized treatment plans for adults who wish to realign their teeth and gain a beautiful smile in the process.

Adult patient receiving dental care

Our Orthodontic Treatment Plans

Healthy teeth can move and shift at any age, and many of our orthodontic treatments can minimize the effects of those changes, and reverse them overtime. Orthodontists accurately diagnose, prevent, and treat facial irregularities, hence why we offer many treatment plans, including:

Braces – Braces are the most common fixed appliances, consisting of bands, wires, and brackets, to place pressure on the teeth over time and gradually move them to the proper position. Our options for braces include metal braces and clear braces. These can be applied with select fixed appliances for controlling the tongue position.

Aligners – A removable alternative to braces, aligners work to align and position teeth back into place without the permanent side effects that traditional braces bring. Invisalign’s our most popular choice because it allows patients the freedom to align their teeth without the discomfort of regular braces.

Jaw Repositioning Appliances – Jaw repositioning appliances, also called splints, these appliances are worn either on the top or lower jawline to train the jaw to close in a better position. These appliances are used for TMJ or temporomandibular disorders.

Palatal Expanders – These appliances widen the arch of the upper jaw, fitting over the roof of the mouth. It applies pressure through a plastic plate, which forces the roof of the mouth to open lengthwise. Palatal expanders work to apply outward pressure to widen the palatal area and realign the mouth and teeth to a proper position.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Am I a good fit for specialized adult treatment?

Adult specialized treatment focuses specifically on the dental and jaw bone effects that many adults experience, but don’t treat. At Burns Orthodontics, we will focus on giving you the most comprehensive care through our consultations and regular supervision. Contact us today at any of our various locations to get a free consultation.

How much does treatment cost?

Orthodontic treatment depends entirely on the type of treatment you need. Before any treatment begins, our orthodontists will gladly speak with you about the costs and payment plans we accept before any procedures.

Why choose Burns Orthodontics?

During your consultation, our orthodontists at Burns Orthodontics will determine which treatment plan is right for you. The cost of your orthodontics treatment will depend on many factors, including the severity and complexity of the problems you experience. We offer many payment and insurance plans and have the most comprehensive orthodontic care throughout the McMurray, Waynesburg, and Mt. Lebanon areas.